Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Flying Fox at Le Bons Bay, New Zealand

Our last weekend in New Zealand, we went to Le Bons Bay and stayed at Auntie Margaret's bach ("batch"=cottage) by the sea. Just having some time away to be together was what we needed and some time to think together about our thoughts on David's passing. While we were there we went to the flying fox...I totally think Canada is missing out on this stuff!

Monday, August 10, 2009

painting at 704 midglen gardens

So we found some paint for our living room.
IT was kinda scary cause the wall was originally white or cream or something.
I am over the fear and love the wall...what do you think? ( what a great painter!)

Sorry for the blurry picture...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fish Creek Park Picnic and Bike Ride

Before lunch we packed a supreme picnic lunch, hopped on our bikes, and headed into the park. The weather was great--not too hot or windy or cool--:) I love the picnic spot, made me feel like we were camping somewhere farther away. A good day.